Importing ExoPlayer for Unity


Unity 2019.2+

  1. Create or Open target Unity project

  2. Import ExoPlayer for Unity asset package

  3. Switch to Android platform
    • File –> Build Settings –> Platform –> Select Android and Switch Platform
  4. Enable Custom Main Gradle Template
    • Edit –> Project Settings –> Publishing Settings –> check Custom Main Gradle Template
    • Open Assets/Plugins/Android/mainTemplate.gradle with any text editor
    • Add below line inside dependencies { }
      implementation ''
    • It will be look like this
      dependencies {
       implementation fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: ['*.jar'])
       implementation ''
  5. Set Graphics API
    • Edit –> Project Settings –> Other Settings –> Graphics API
    • Remove Vulkan
    • Add OpenGL ES 2.0 or OpenGL ES 3.0
  6. Disable Multithreaded Rendering option
    • Edit –> Project Settings –> Other Settings –> uncheck Multithreaded Rendering
  7. Set Minimum API Level to API Level 28 or later
    • Edit –> Project Settings –> Other Settings –> Minimum API Level
    • set to API Level 28 or later
  8. Enable Internet access to test sample scenes
    • Edit –> Project Settings –> Other Settings –> Internet Access
    • set to Require

Unity 2020.x

  1. Follow import instruction for Unity 2019.2+
  2. Enable Custom Base Gradle Template
    • Edit –> Project Settings –> Publishing Settings –> check Custom Base Gradle Template
    • Open Assets/Plugins/Android/baseProjectTemplate.gradle with any text editor, and change version of gradle plugin to 3.4.0
      classpath ''

Demo Scenes


  • provides simple video player interface
  • play, pause, stop, previous media, next media, rewind, forward


  • provides simple video rendering on texture object


  • shows playing a 360 video on a texture object, which is mapped on a sphere object